A truck full of Europe's finest antiques- hand selected by the fabulous Cindy Smith- arrived at Circa Birmingham yesterday. Swing on by if you can!! Cindy, Whitney, Rebecca, Cam and Joe worked hard to get that place looking even more gorgeous than normal (I know- how can it get any more beautiful? HARD. TO. BELIEVE.). Here is proof!
April 30, 2013
Mary McDonald and more blogging love!
Last week was a big week in Charlotte. Not only was it the High Point Furniture Market, it was also the Mint Museum Auxiliary week! Circa is fortunate enough to be able to sponsor this wonderful event, which allows Cindy and Jane to introduce whomever the guest of honor/speaker is at the Symposium. This year, it was the talented, beautiful, hysterical, LA based Mary McDonald.
Her work is bold and classical, with unexpected twists.
She recently wrote a book, Mary McDonald: Interiors, (which can be purchased in the shop! and for you out-of-town-readers here). This is what she was lecturing on and my-oh-my was it inspiring and amusing, all at the same time!
After speaking to hundreds of Charlotteans, Mary and a few of her friends from LA, joined all of us at Circa for a book signing. It was so fun to have her and to show her and friends around our studio! Thanks to all of you for coming! We certainly loved having you and hope you will visit Charlotte and Circa again soon.
Pictured above: Mary McDonald (center) with Jane to the left in yellow, Cindy to the right and (some of) the Circa gang.
I was sent, just yesterday, one of the most lovely blog write ups we have received yet! If you have time, I hope you will follow this link to read some of Wyoming's based designer, painter and blogger, Tawna Allred's posts. I especially love her most recent post on Jane and Cindy's book. She is enjoying it just the way Jane and Cindy had hoped people would. And spreading the joy the book is bringing her on her fantastic blog ain't half bad either. Thank you, Tawna, for your sweet words! We see alot of that "Southern Hospitality" you speak of within them.
April 23, 2013
Shipment has arrived!
It is always a tricky thing to try and get a container here on time. Containers, like just about everything else in this industry, seem to run on a slower time frame. So, we were not shocked to hear that we would be receiving this gorgeous shipment late. It was shocking to hear, however, that the reason for the delay (the second delay, might I add) was due to some soil in the bottom of an old, beautiful pot that was believed to be "contaminated." Whatever that means... regardless, we have received our shipment finally and MAN was it worth the wait!!!!! Hotel silver that gleams; gilded antiques that make your jaw drop; carved wooden lamp bases that you want to run out with; all of it is breath-taking. And like every first-day-after-shipment-day, tomorrow is the day that you want to come see us. It will be worth every second. Even if you can't treat yourself to any of these pieces, you must steal away some time to stop in. Your eyes will be grateful.
Unable to swing by? Not to fret- remember our online-cataloge is updated as quickly as possible to make all of our pieces available via Internet.
Here is a look at where we are so far in the unpacking process...
Livy wondering home through the mess...
AWESOME table and chairs. I can see this in the mountains.
Our favorite pottery
Unpacking accessories in the Design Studio
First complete room!
Another view- just love this banquette and those frames!!!
More pottery- perfect for everything. From the oven to the table! And check out those cool green lamps.
Our amazingly talented Arevat quickly whipped this table cloth together for us this afternoon. I wouldn't mind taking it home with me... along with all three of those GORGEOUS carved stone vessels.
Of course I wasn't able to capture it all... but I guess I have to leave something a surprise for yall, right?!?! Come see the rest tomorrow! We can't wait to listen to your eww's and ahh's.
April 16, 2013
Two Times Now Yall
I don't even know the Cuban shuffle, but yes, I just quoted it. This is because I have been rather slack with blog posts, I feel like, and here I am- blogging TWICE in one day! But, this just couldn't wait...
Southern Living's May 2013 issue features a two page spread on our very own, Cindy Smith! In the article titled "Organic Modern," Southern Living shows a gorgeous outdoor setting designed by Cindy, which utilizes many different textures to create an outdoor room that is comfortable, beautiful and perfect for entertaining. The magazine gives you tips, to create the look on your own.
Of course, we would always be more than happy to help in any way possible!
And, if you can't get info of this design, you can see more of the house in Jane and Cindy's book: The Welcoming House
Snap Shots from Palm Beach and Birmingham Book Signings!
The Palm Beach and Birmingham book signings were a great success! Many thanks to our wonderful hosts and to all who were able to attend.
Palm Beach: Jane on the right with dear friend and hostess, Anne.
Palm Beach: Jane Schwab photographed with three party goers.
Palm Beach: Jane and Cindy with their husbands and hosts of the night
Birmingham: Jane Schwab in the yellow
Birmingham: The authors hard at work signing books!
Beautiful bar at Circa Birmingham
Circa Birmingham
Circa Birmingham
April 11, 2013
A Day In the Life of... Patrick Lewis
Patrick has been hard at work (but then again I guess I should say "harder at work." There is a reason why we refer to him as "Flash" around 2321 Crescent Avenue.), preparing for the Junior League of Greensboro showhouse, which opens it's doors tomorrow and will run until May 5th. He and Cindy have joined teams to tackle this beautiful space- surrounded by other rooms designed by Miles Redd and Suzanne Kasler! It is taking place in historic Adamsleigh:
"...designed and built for High Point textile magnate John Hampton “Hamp” Adams, a native of Adamsville, South Carolina and co-founder of Adams-Millis Corporation, the first company in High Point to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Adams also owned the vast property that is now known as “Adams Farm”, a large residential development not far from Adamsleigh.
The estate features 33 rooms, including 10 bedrooms, and totals 15,000 square feet. The estate covers 13.5 acres that include pools, a lake, tennis courts, a stone gazebo and a five-car garage.
Designed by Winston-Salem architect Luther Lashmit, who also designed Graylyn in Winston-Salem. Some have argued that Adamsleigh is North Carolina’s second most impressive house, behind Biltmore in Asheville."
This is an event not to be missed! Be sure to buy tickets (by clicking here) and take a tour of the mansion. Here is a sneak peak of Patrick and Cindy's gorgeous room:
And remember! Everything you see in his room is for sale and some of the upholstery is marked-down by 40% off of Retail! Please be in touch if you would like more information on anything (even the prints on the walls... photos Patrick took while on a buying trip with Cindy in France!).
April 10, 2013
Montgomery is McAlpine Country
Or at least that's how we feel. Jane and Cindy were in Montgomery for a book signing and had a lovely time catching up with architect and dear friend, Bobby McAlpine. If you are not familiar with his work, QUICK! Click on this link, because you are missing OUT!!! Here are our authors, waiting to sign copies of books, with McAlpine.
Lindsay was googling "Top Interior Design Books" and was thrilled to be greeted by a link to Amazon showing The Welcoming House as NUMBER THREE on their design book charts! Isn't that incredible?!? We are just thrilled by the reception! Thank you for all purchasing your copy and for being so supportive. And here are some links to more blog press we have received...
From Sweet Home Charlotte: http://sweethomecharlotte.blogspot.com/2013/03/living-graciously-welcoming-inspiration.html
From Hidell Brooks: http://www.hidellbrooks.com/blog/
From Carla Moss Interiors: http://carlamossinteriors.com/2013/03/22/friday-happy-hour-the-welcoming-home/
From Haus of Hinton: http://hausofhinton.blogspot.com/2012/04/charlotte-home.html (I have always wondered who our Australia follower was!)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
April 5, 2013
Birmingham: Get Ready, Because Here They Come!
Circa Interiors & Antiques
invites you to celebrate the publication of
The Art of Living Graciously
Published by RIZZOLI
signing copies of their new book
2:00-6:00 PM
2831 Culver Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35223